Our Homeless Coalition is in the midst of our annual Membership Renewal drive. In May of 1984 we were started by a handful of organizations who knew that the exponentially increasing problem of homelessness was a systematic problem and ending it would take systematic action. As the problem has increased, that handful of organizations has grown into dozens and dozens of member-groups who have committed to our collective mission of eradicating homelessness in greater Cincinnati.
This coalesced body of organizations providing many different direct services with people experiencing homelessness and at risk to experience homelessness creates a foundational strength that empowers our Coalition to advocate, organize and educate for systematic changes in our city and region. We have strength in numbers and determination.
If your organization believes homelessness must end and is willing to join dozens of other organizations who believe the same, please become a member of the Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition. It is powerful to stand with many, many other people who are all acting for the same cause. We have a strong heritage, we have pressed forward through many struggles and have seen wins and losses.
We have more strategies, struggles, meetings, position statements, policy drafts, funding discussions, decisions, organizing, advocating and education to do. If you are willing to act in service of our collective mission, we ask that you join. To do so you may visit our website at www.cincihomeless.org or call Leslie Moorehead at 513-421- 7803 ext. 11.
Our mission is: The Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition is a unified social action agency, fully committed to its ultimate goal: the eradication of homelessness with respect for the dignity and diversity of its membership, the homeless and the community. The Coalition works towards this goal by coordinating services, educating the public, and engaging in grassroots organizing and advocacy.