by Willa Denise Jones
Willa Denise Jones

Intoxication is being drunk if only for a little while
Intoxication can become a bad habit with a crooked smile
Being high and drunk all alone really makes no sense
Being homeless, a panhandler and a drunk can be a bad defense
The fear of not knowing what your next move can possibly be
Can be intoxicating without a drink, please believe me
The fear of failure constantly day in and day out
Can be an eye opener to a drunk to make a change, no doubt
Once you realize that there is another way to live everyday
To work, maintain your money and eventually find a place to stay
Things start to fall in order for you surely but slowly
As you start to make a change in your life ever so boldly
Intoxicating thoughts will no longer be able to hold you back
Understanding that with the help of God you can get your life on track
So don’t stay intoxicated by the fears of the world today
Go to church, read the bible and get on your knees and pray!